Monday, December 28, 2009

My 2010 Reading Challenge

I alluded to it in my previous post, but I have decided to have some sort of personal reading challenge for 2010.  I'm trying to decide what sort of challenge it should be.  Should I have a set number of books I'm trying to read?  Or should I have to work through a specific reading list?  Decisions, decisions!

What do you suggest? 

Also, I'm always looking for recommendations for what to read next, so leave me some recommendations of Books Everyone Must Read!  Thank you!

1 comment:

Brandie said...

I'm trying to think of a challenge, too. Last year I set a goal of 100 books...but I barely made it. It was so much pressure, and got to the point that it wasn't fun anymore. So maybe I'll just try to hit 50 this year.

Have you read Shiver?? If gotta....