Sunday, December 5, 2010

Way Overdue Reading Update

I've neglected my reading blog for far too long... partially because, I've been neglecting reading.  In September, I had a huge change in my personal life (which, if you read my main blog, you already have heard way too much about, I'm sure), and it really threw me off.  The only thing I read after that was a quick re-read of the first Twilight book (I needed something absolutely mindless, and in a way, comforting in its familiarity and easy-readability), and then I took a bit of a break from reading novels.  I was also very busy with teaching my new grade one class, and with taking an online course, which has just ended.

I have read 10 books since my last blog post in July though... yes, I made it to 39 books this year.  I'm just finishing up book 40.  I don't think I would have been able to make it to 100, regardless of what happened in September, but I probably would have made it past 50 had I been my usual self, which would have been pretty cool.

As it is, I scrapped my ENTIRE "101 things to do in 1001 Days" because way too much of it involved the relationship-that-is-no-more, so I scrapped the "read 100 books" goal too.  Next year I'll maybe try a new reading goal, 100 books was TOO MUCH. haha.

Anyway, here's what I've read since July, just in list-form, with no reviews:

30) An Ideal Wife by Gemma Townley
31) Second Prize by Chris Manby
32) Heart of the Matter by Emily Giffin
33) How Nancy Drew Saved My Life by Lauren Barantz-Logsted
34) Her Fearful Symmetry by Audrey Niffenegger
35) It's About Your Husband by Lauren Lipton
36) Welcome to the Real World by Carole Matthews
37) English as a Second Language by Megan Crane
38) Mini-Shopaholic by Sophie Kinsella
39) read-read of Twilight by Stephenie Meyer

I'm going to document how many books I've read up until New Years Eve... but honestly, what I went through in September really changed things for me.  However, no more neglecting this blog, that's for sure!

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