Monday, March 15, 2010

11) Lean Mean Thirteen by Janet Evanovich

Oh, Stephanie Plum.  I will be so sad when I catch up completely and don't have any new adventures of yours to read.  Fortunately, Janet Evanovich is still actively writing this series.

Lean Mean Thirteen -- more Stephanie Plum, Bounty Hunter awesomeness.  Read this series if you don't already.  It. Is. Candy.

11 down, 89 to go!


Brandie said...

11 down! Yay!

I've never read any of the Plum series. Am I missing out?

The Wonder Worrier said...

I really like these Stephanie Plum books, I'm really into the characters now that I've been reading so many stories with them in it (I love getting into a looong series, especially when the series is good). I find that I often laugh-out-loud when reading the books.

I remember that around book five or so, I felt a little bored... but then the books picked up and have been really good again.

I think they're worth trying, to see if you like them like I do. The "between the numbers" stories aren't as good as the numbered ones, but they're really short reads and are still worth reading too.

Brandie said...

I'm gonna add them to my list! Worth a try!