Ever heard of Brady Brady? The kid so wrapped up in hockey that his family has to call his name twice to get his attention?
This is one of my most favourite kids' series. My youngest brother (Scottie Scottie; he's as hockey obsessed as Brady!) owns 7 of the 11 hockey-themed stories written by Mary Shaw and Illustrated by Chuck Temple.
These stories are bright and colourful, and are fun to read. Kids love them from my experience (I read them to a kindergarten class I was working with last year, and to a foster child I was recently providing support services for)! If you read the stories in order you are introduced to some of the main characters, and the storylines do sometimes build upon what was read in the earlier books.
Now that I see there four more books that my little brother doesn't own, I'll be on the hunt to complete his collection - even though he's getting a tad old for children's books, it's a nice collection to have. I've also noticed on the website that there's a baseball themed Brady Brady and a football themed one; so perhaps this is a new direction the author is going in. These books are great for little boys (the recommended ages are grades 1 -3, but children younger than 6 can enjoy them too), who love sports and as an added bonus for parents or educators: they have a positive message in them too!
You just can't go wrong with Brady Brady!
You just can't go wrong with Brady Brady!
Where can they be found online?
P.S. As is now a little more clear, this blog isn't just for novels; I'm going to review kids' books, non-fiction, anything I read and think I should share!